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Why do Nairobians Queue For Super Metro Buses?

Amid the chaos of the Nairobi CBD streets, there exists a peculiar phenomenon. It’s the sight of long, winding queues of people patiently awaiting their turn to board a Super Metro bus. This post is on why the majority of commuters prefer Super Metro’s service.

To the uninitiated observer, this scene might seem absurd—why queue for hours under the scorching sun or pouring rain when there are plenty of other bus services available, some even offering cheaper fares? “Super Metro is a cult,”

But what exactly lies behind this seemingly irrational behavior? I just used Super Metro for a couple of trips and I have answers. Let’s delve deeper into the Super Metro charm.

Super Metro Buses


Adherence to orderliness is rooted in the professionalism of Super Metro; boarding the bus is facilitated through organized queues, ensuring that those who line up first are the first to board, unlike the chaotic scramble witnessed in other transportation cooperatives during rush hours.

This aspect stands out immediately upon observation. Every member of their staff, including the conductors, is outfitted in uniforms, presenting a clean and well-groomed appearance—a divergence from the typical messy demeanor associated with conductors elsewhere, often characterized by unkempt hair and potential body odor.

Contrarily, in other bus services, instances of rudeness, uncleanliness, and refusal to return change without repeated requests are unfortunately commonplace. Moreover, overcrowding and the practice of accepting excess passengers, leaving some standing, are not tolerated within Super Metro’s operations.

In the event of complaints, Super Metro takes them seriously and ensures follow-up action. The Sacco is known to thoroughly vet its drivers and conductors before hiring, with rumors suggesting that a police clearance is a prerequisite for employment. This stringent screening process contributes to the professionalism exhibited by nearly all members of their staff.

Safety & comfort

Super Metro ensures smooth journeys by strictly adhering to traffic regulations, and avoiding sudden braking maneuvers that could cause swerving or jolting passengers with bumps. They operate modern, well-maintained buses equipped with comfortable seating and ample spacing for passengers’ comfort.

Furthermore, Super Metro is perceived as a safer option compared to other modes of public transportation in Nairobi. The city’s transit system has been plagued by issues like overcrowding, theft, and sporadic violence. However, Super Metro’s commitment to maintaining order and implementing stringent security measures onboard has earned the trust of many commuters, especially women and families, seeking a secure travel experience.

Consistency & Reliability

Super Metro Bus

The fares remain consistent regardless of weather conditions, or peak hours, and passengers are assured they won’t be dropped off arbitrarily. There’s a strict adherence to designated stops, eliminating the practice of dropping off or picking up passengers haphazardly.

The city is notorious for its traffic congestion, often leaving commuters wasting hours. In such circumstances, reliability and timeliness become paramount concerns.

Super Metro has earned a reputation for its unwavering commitment to schedules—a rare achievement in Nairobi’s chaotic transportation scene. For many passengers, the peace of mind of knowing that their bus will reliably arrive on time outweighs the inconvenience of queuing.

Social Class

The majority of Super Metro users consist of young professionals or students, often perceived as belonging to a more “sophisticated” social class. Unlike other saccos, one is unlikely to encounter individuals transporting bulky sacks or live animals as fellow passengers which compromises the comfort of other passengers.

Furthermore, Super Metro cultivates a sense of community among its regular riders, who often include colleagues and classmates. This fosters a feeling of belonging among commuters, who frequently engage in conversations with familiar faces while waiting in line. In a city where anonymity prevails, this sense of comradeship provides a welcomed sense of connection.

Moreover, there’s a psychological aspect to consider. Humans are creatures of habit, and deviating from established routines can be daunting. For many residents of Nairobi, queuing for Super Metro has become a ritual ingrained in their daily lives. The anticipation of boarding their trusted bus, coupled with the satisfaction of securing a comfortable seat, offers a sense of reassurance and stability amidst the urban chaos.


Super Metro Fleet

Super Metro stands apart in every negative aspect associated with matatus, significantly influencing the overall reputation of these vehicles.

It’s frustrating that other saccos have yet to follow suit, remaining ingrained in their rogue practices. The very act of queuing for Super Metro should serve as a clear message to other saccos to improve their standards, as it reflects what commuters “truly desire”, as Lucifer Morningstar would say.

Super Metro is revolutionizing the perception of matatus, presenting a new image altogether.

It’s essential to recognize that the perception of value varies from person to person. While competing bus services may offer lower fares, loyal Super Metro customers prioritize the advantages of reliability, safety, and community over potential savings. In a city where time is a precious commodity and peace of mind is invaluable, the appeal of Super Metro becomes increasingly evident.

In conclusion, the marvel of Nairobi residents queuing for Super Metro buses is complex, influenced by practicality, community dynamics, and psychological factors. While it may seem perplexing to outsiders, for those immersed in Nairobi’s urban environment, Super Metro represents more than just transportation—it embodies a lifestyle choice.


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